Robert Shamoun, representative of the Assyrian Democratic Movement (Zowaa) to Scandinavia and Jamil Diarbakerli from Assyrian Monitor for Human Rights discuss the issue of different names within the Assyrian community when applying for the new identity card in Iraq....
A ride for Seyfo
For the second year the MC Club Assyrian Riders Sweden arranged a ride from Stockholm to Södertälje, in order to commemorate the Assyrian martyrs of Seyfo 1915 and the ongoing genocide. Even Swedish Christian MC riders, among them reverent Mats Hedenby, participated...
Är jag svensk eller assyrier eller både och?
Tre svensk-assyriska modiga och självständiga tjejer, Sharrat Cherry 16 år, Esagila Cherry 17 år och Lebin Yousif 15 år tar sig an viktiga och existentiella frågor som ungdomar ställer sig när man växer upp mellan två kulturer och identiteter i Sverige. Vad svarar man...
Assyrian News in Focus 2016-09-16
Irak: Efter protester kommer det nya ID-kortet sannolikt att innehålla även assyriernas olika benämningar som alternativ i ansökan. I samband med diskussionen om detta har nu röster höjts för att även inkludera namnet Suryani både i ID-kortet och i konstitutionen....
Bishop of Gozarto: We denounce Kurdish curricula or other abuses
His excellence the Syrian Orthodox bishop of Gozarto, Syria, Maurice Amsih is visiting Sweden. Assyria TV asked him for an interview to tell about the current situation in Gozarto. Despite the difficulties of the war he is hopeful about a better life for the Assyrians...
Rev. Emanuel Youkhana about CAPNI
Rev. Emanuel Youkhana of the Assyrian Church of the East in Nohadra is the establisher of the Assyrian Aid organization CAPNI (Christen Aid Program Nohadra - Iraq). Since 1993 CAPNI has been working in the service of the Assyrian Nation as a Christian, but not a...
Malfono Isa Garis om Turabdin
Malfono Isa Garis, som tjänstgör vid klostret Mor Gabriel i Turabdin sedan 1962, delar här med sig av sin erfarenhet av assyriernas tilltänkta ådervändning som kom av sig, om svårigheterna kring registreringen av kyrkor, kloster och mark, om konfiskeringen av klostret...
Analysis: The future of the Assyrians in Middle East
Our guests Ibrahim Seven and Dr. Gabriel Oussi analyze the current development in Turkey, Syria and Iraq, with special importance for the future of the Assyrians. They discuss the reason for the absence of democracy in the region as a result of tyrannic Islamic...
Help from Sweden to civilian Assyrians in Hassakeh
Fr Gabriel Khago from St. George Syrian Orthodox congregation in Hassakeh, Syria, tells about the suffering of the civilians while caught between the fighting parts during the clashes recently. The Assyrian quarter was one the areas under fire when the Kurdish Asayish...
Assyrierna ingen maktfaktor i Syrien
Dr Teglat Lahdo och Abjar Moushe analyserar den senaste utvecklingen i Syrien och turerna kring städerna Hassake, Mabugh (Manbij) och Jarablus. Den senare invaderades nyligen av turkisk militär, officiellt för att driva ut ISIS, men i verkligheten är Turkiets främsta...
Prof. Raphael Israeli about Assyrians and muslim persecution
The Israeli professor Raphael Israeli, expert on Islamic and Chinese studies, is a well known author of several books, such as Years of Upheaval, The Internationalization of ISIS, From Arab Spring to Islamic Winter and Christianophobia - The persecution of Christians...
The clashes in Hassakeh, Syria
The Assyrian writer and activist Souleman Yousef is telling us what happened during last week in the city of Hassakeh in northeastern Syria when clashes broke out between the Kurdish forces of Asayish and the Syrian army. He also analyzes the current situation and...
The Nineveh Plains post-ISIS
What is the future of the Assyrians and other minorities on the Nineveh Plains after the upcoming liberation from ISIS? This is the most important question many are asking today, which we have directed to Mr. Mikhael Benjamin from the leadership of Bnay Nahren in...
ADO representative on latest attack in Qamishly
A huge car bomb exploded on Wednesday 27 July in front of the headquarters of the Kurdish PYD and Asayish in Qamishly, where about 45 were killed and about 160 injured, and demolishing many buildings in the neighborhood. Mr. Keriakes Kourie, the chairman of ADO Syria...
Dr. Nicholas al-Jeloo on upcoming Census in Australia
On August 9, 2016, Australia is going to count its inhabitants in a new census. Since last census in 2011, the name "Chaldean" is officially an own ethnicity and language. Before that Australia classified all Assyrian denominations as Assyrian and nothing else, says...
Attiya Gamri on the new Assyrian Federation in Holland
On July 3, 2016 about 35 representatives of Assyrian associations and organizations gathered to a meeting in Hengelo, Holland, to establish a new Assyrian Federation. Admittedly, there has previously been an Assyrian Federation in the country, but the Assyrian...
Jan Bet-Sawoce about his new book
Mr. Jan Beth-Sawoce tells about his latest book in West Assyrian Surayt, titled "Bu tarix xeboto l qiyomo - aydarbo hawi cam lishono surayt?"
Militärkuppen – Erdogans verk?
Den misslyckade militärkuppen i Turkiet är ämnet för dagens program. Gästerna Nail Sohdo från Syriac Democratic Uninons ledning och Dikran Ego spekulerar i om det var ett verkligt kuppförsök som sedan misslyckades eller om det var iscensatt av president Recep Tayyip...
Svensk-assyriska profilers ansvar
Dagens program tar upp vilket ansvar assyriska profiler i Sverige har gentemot sitt folk och sitt ursprung, i synnerhet när deras etniska existens i Assyrien är hotad. Panelen som som består av Gabriel Yousef, Ashur Ibrahim och Nemrud Kurt Haninke och diskuterar hur...
Kurdish massacres of the Assyrians in history
Aydin Aslan, an Assyrian residing in Brussels, in this program makes a historical review of the Kurdish massacres and betrayal towards the Assyrians. These bitter experiences are the reason why Assyrians today can not rely on the sincerity behind any Kurdish promises....
Assyrian News in Focus 2016-07-03
Libanon: Biskop George Saliba tog emot en PYD-delegation (TEV-DEM) strax efter självmordsattentatet i Kamishli den 19 juni, då han också var tillsammans med patriarken. Enligt kurdiska PYDs nyhetsbyrå ANHA krävde biskop Saliba att Abdullah Öcalan ska släppas fri, att...
Kunskapens roll inom den assyriska gemenskapen
Dagens program gästas av Fil. Dr. Aryo Makko från Historiska institutionen vid Stockholms Universitet och Assyriska Ungdomsförbundets ordförande. Gästerna svarar på frågor om vad som lockade dem till assyriska rörelsen, varför det är viktigt att engagera sig, vilka...
Was Patriarch Afrem II the target?
Was last Sunday's suicide attack in Qamishly against Patriarch Afrem II Karim, or one in a series of attacks to scare Assyrians and other Christians? What forces might be behind the attack? Our debaters Sleiman Yousef and Dr. Gabriel Oussi are speculating about...
Nahla, Mar Louis Sako, NPU, Syrien
Sargon Shamoun och Albert Aziz är programmets gäster som tar upp flera ämnen som berör assyrierna i Irak och Syrien. Vad ä det som händer i Nahla i Irakiska Assyrien? Hur går det med assyriska säkerhetsstyrkan NPU? Senaste självmordsattacken i Qamishli i den Syriska...