Interview with Hanna Hajjar

The Assyrian artist, author and activist Mr. Hanna (John) Hajjar paid recently a visit to Sweden from Los Angeles, where he has been living for the last 35 years. Assyria TV invited him to our studio and the interview addressed several topics, and projects created by...

Varför suspenderades prästen Gabriel Dawod?

Den 16 oktober 2016 suspenderade syrisk-ortodoxe patriarken Afrem II Karim prästen Gabriel Dawod i Damaskus, för påstådd medverkan i hemsidor som är emot kyrkoledningen. Men Ahiqar Rashid som representerar Ungdomssamlingen Moder Syrien, hävdar att den verkliga...

Ska man sopa problemen under mattan?

Den 15 september publicerade Hujådå en nyhetsartikel om att en förtroendevald person i en assyrisk organisation hade uppträtt olämpligt. Han hade kallat aktiva assyriska tjejer för horor och spridit rykten om vissa tjejer. Han hade även portats från AFFs matcher p g a...

Interview with Prof. Efrem Yildiz

The Assyrian Prof. Efrem Yildiz at the Salamanca University, answers the question whether the ancient Assyrians took the Aramaic alphabet or the entire language, and if so for what reason. He says the term "Aramaic Language" was invented by Western orientalists as a...

Assyrian Women Conference in EU

On September 29, 2016, the Assyrian Women Federation of Sweden held a conference in the EU Parliament in Brussels on the vulnerability of women and children in the conflicts in Middle East. A manifestation for Assyrian rights was also arranged outside the Parliament.

Assyrian Convention in Gothenburg, part 1

On Saturday October 8, 2016 the Assyrian Confederation of Europe (ACE) held its first general assembly where a new president and board were elected. A panel discussion with the board of ACE on the objectives of the Confederation. Panel on Assyrian global governance...

Assyrian News in Focus 2016-09-29

Syrien: - Gårdagens explosion i Kameshli var sannolikt en ljudbomb eller avsedd åt ett mindre mål som en förbipasserande bil. - Det kurdiska PYD-styret har idag samlats i Rmelan för att bestämma sitt krav på federalism, dess namn, flagga, ed etc. - Turkiet bygger en...

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