Conversation with Fareed Yaqoob Elya member of the Political Bureau of ADM
Assyrian General Conference – Guest: Maryam Shmoil
Is chaos awaiting the new Syria? – Guest: Zuher Abdo
Creation of the Sunni Islamic Republic of Syria?
Fikri Aho analyses various current events 2025-03-13
Ashur B.C.(Before Clergy) When did Ashur become Christian? Part 2
Semira Sare & Dr. Zeitoun Haddad Talking about philosophy
Assyrian General Conference – § Bylaws – Attorney Robert DeKelaita
Will the PKK listen to Öcalan’s call to disband?
Assyrian World Conference. Yerevan, Armenia. April 25-27-2025
Ibrahim Seven analyses various current events – 2025-02-25
Assyrian News In Focus – 2025-02-24
What are the results of the German elections 2025?
The clash of Cultures & the German Elections – Gebro Haydo Grigo
Azınlıkların bakış açısı ile Suriye sorunu – Konuk: Gazeteci Sarkis Kassargian
How did Sweden deal with the Örebro case? How did the media cover the tragedy?
How was current Syria established?
Honoring Naum Faiq in Gothenburg, Sweden – 2025
Joseph Pirayou Ashur – Do you feel like a doormat?
Gebro Haydo Grigo comments on current world events & their impact on Assyrians 2025-02-07