“Not enough apology by the bishops”

After the Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox Church Mar Ignatius Afrem II Karim met with 18 bishops in Lebanon on February 16, 2017, the General Secretariat of the Holy Synod issued a statement on February 17 about the apology of the six rebellious bishops to their...

BREAKING: I have not signed the letter from the synod

Archbishop Abdulahad Gallo Shabo to the Swedish television: ” I say it openly on television. We are all with the Patriarch but we are not With those who lie. It is not okay that they wrote my name there without informing me" Bishop Abdulahad Gallo Shabo confirmed that...

Six bishops denounce Patriarch Karim’s authority

On February 8, 2017, a group of six Syrian Orthodox bishops issued a joint statement where they totally denounce the supremacy and authority of their Patriarch Afrem II Karim. They also refuse to accept his decisions retroactively From the day he was concentrated...

Turkey’s only Assyrian mayor deposed

Februniye Akyol and Ahmet Turk, elected co-mayors of Mardin Metropolitan Municipality, were today deposed and replaced by a so-called Qayyum, guardian, which is the governor of the city,appointed by the government. Turkish authorities continue to dismiss elected...

NPU in the liberation of the Nineveh Plains

Assyrian politician Mr. Yacoob G. Yaco from the leadership of Zowaa tells about todays participation of the Assyrian force NPU in the liberation of Assyrian towns of Bartella, Baghdad, Karamlesh etc from ISIS, after the Iraqi Army started the liberation of Mosul in...

Turkish jets attack PKK in Assyrian village in Nahla

Today Turkish jets started to attack Kurdish PKK guerilla, hiding in the Assyrian area of Nahla in northern Iraq, in the agricultural fields of Balmond. No casualties are reported. Yet another proof of PKK pulling the Turkish fire on Assyrian soil.

NPU liberated a village on the Nineveh Plains

The Assyrian force The Nineveh Plains Protection Units managed today to liberate the Shabak village of Badaneh in the vicinity of Baghdede - the biggest Assyrian town on the Nineveh Plains, with aerial aid by the coalition forces. This was done without any...

Halef Halef dömd till fängelse och miljonskadestånd

Halef Halef, vid gripandet i februari 2015 ordförande för kyrkostyrelsen i biskop Benyamin Ataş stift, dömdes på fredagen till 3,5 års fängelse för grovt bedrägeri och grov urkundsförfalskning. Han måste också återbetala 7,3 miljoner kr till Försäkringskassan och...

A heavy explosion in Midyat, TurAbdin

Midyat, considered to be the capital of Assyrians in TurAbdin, has this morning been damaged after a powerful explosion that occurred outside a police headquarters. According to our private sources in Midyat, suicide bombers with one-ton bomb drove nearby the building...


The bill of the Genocide 1915 passed through the German Parliament unanimously, except for 1 Turkish female MP who voted against and another vote laid down. Motionen om folkmordet Seyfo röstades igenom det tyska parlamentet enhälligt, med undantag av en nedlagd röst...

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