Månad: maj 2020
Liveintervju med Assyriska FFs sportchef Stefan Batan
Assyrian News in Focus 2020-05-12
Coronapandemin: Update aktuella dödssiffror och smittade i olika länder. I Sverige har drygt 3300 dött, varav 113 assyrier har omhändertagits av begravningsentreprenören Jakob Ada, enligt en intervju vi gjort med honom vid begravningen av konstnären Hanna al-Haek...
More than 110 Assyrians have died from Corona in Sweden
Live interview with artist Shmowel Bet Yawanis about John Homeh
Live interview with musician Simon Kaplo about Seyfo from a cultural perspective
Khuroyo Emanuel Aydin about Seyfo 1915 & answers questions from viewers
His Eminence Bishop Saliba Özmen about the situation in Mardin and Turabdin last summer
Assyria TV editors home attacked
Someone attacked the home of Assyria TV editor in chief Dikran Ego in Stockholm on Tuesday 4 May by throwing a rock the size of a fist against the window. - We heard a strong sound and went outside on the garden where we found a big stone and the mark it had made on...