Månad: januari 2020
Live program on the situation of the Assyrians in Turabdin Turkey
Arkah Mayor Joseph Yar released
Exclusive interview of Mar Ramzi Garmo, Chaldean Metropolitan Bishop of Amed in Turkey with Assyria TV
– BREAKING – Monk Aho detained by Mardin court
Süryani rahib AHO´nun PKK itirafçısının ifadesi üzerine tutuklanması PKK, Devlet ve Süryaniler
Spotlight special about the conflict around Syrian Orthodox Church properties in Melbourne, Australia
– BREAKING – Turkish military arrested three Assyrians in Tur Izlo, Turkey
Turkish military arrested 3 Assyrians in Turabdin, most probably accused of aiding the PKK terrorists hiding in Tur Izlo mountains area, where no Kurds live. The PKK is deliberately drawing peaceful Assyrian villagers into its war with Turkey. On the night they...
Assyrian News in Focus 2020-01-07
Irak: Mordet på iranske generalen Qasem Suleimani i fredags har eskalerat konfliktnivån mellan USA och Iran. President Trump, som har gått till val på att avsluta USAs krig i Mellanöstern och ta hem sina soldater, har länge avstyrt militära åtgärder mot Iran. Men han...