År: 2018
Interview with Evin Aggasi
Mor Zokhe – Augsburg/Germany
Solidaritet bland Turizlo-byar
Syriac Catholic Bishop of Hassakeh: Big mistake to accept Kurdish curriculum in lower classes
Syriac Catholic Bishop of Hassakeh, Monsignor Jacques Behnam Hendo, comments the ongoing Kurdish abuses against the Assyrians and other groups of Gozarto region in Syria. He makes a historical exposé to show that the Kurds has no historic roots in the region. They...
The United States leaving Syria!
What does this withdrawal mean for the Assyrians and for the peace in Syria? Analysis by Ibrahim Seven and Assyria TV editors.
Assyrian News In Focus 2018-12-18
Syrien: Turkiets president Erdogan sade i onsdags att turkiska armén snart kommer att gå in i det kurd-kontrollerade området öster om Eufrat. Från USA har Pentagon pliktskyldigt varnat för ensidiga aktioner, medan EU befarar att kampen mot IS skulle äventyras. USA...