Månad: april 2018

Ninve Dallachi on taboo subjects among assyrians

Ninve Dallaci dbe Azar is an Assyrian journalist who does not hesitate to debate subjects that are, or have been, taboo within the Assyrian community; intercultural marriage, divorce, dating for girls etc. Last year she wrote a column in the Assyrian Magazine Hujådå...

New song by Shikri Johanen (Yawse)

Assyrian music at its best. "Everything he touches turns into gold". This proverb suits Shikri Johanen (Yawse) very well, because every song of his became a classic hit. In 2007 he sang "Hwartho dlebo", 2009 "Bote" named after his village of origin. Now Shikri...

Foot washing ceremony in St. Petrus church Hallonbergen, Stockholm

On Thursday April 5, we attended the traditional ceremony of foot washing in St. Petrus, Stockholm, four days before the Orthodox Easter. The tradition originates from Jesus Christ who washed the feet of his disciples after his last supper with them, before he was...

Kawme Dik to do his Ph.D on Assyrian dialect of Tur Izlo

Qawme Sami Dik is a young Assyrian archeologist who wants to write a Ph.D on Assyrian colloquial dialect of his home village Arkah and other villages of Tur Izlo in Turabdin. Before he can start his studies at Berlin Freie Universität, he must learn German language....

Assyrian News In Focus 2018-04-03

Akitu 6768: Det assyriska nyåret firades runtom i världen. Gratulationer har kommit från Armeniens president för tredje året i rad, medan Iraks premiärminister inte nämnde något om Akitu när han önskade de kristna glad påsk. Massoud Brzani däremot fortsatte sin vana...

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