HH Patriarch Josef III Younan of the Syriac Catholic church, in an exclusive interview to Assyria TV comments the situation of the Assyrian Christians IDPs in Nineveh after its liberation from ISIS, the living conditions under the rule of Kurdish self rule in Gozarto,...
Patriarch Younan’s Holy Mass Saarlouis, Germany
The scout group of Mor Eshayo in Wiesbaden along with hundreds of Assyrian Christians of different denominations received HH the Syriac Catholic patriarch Yosef III Younan while visiting the German city of Saarlouis, where he held a holy Mass in the church of St Josef.
Assyrian News in Focus 2016-12-15
Syrien: Uppdatering Aleppo, vapenvila, evakuering civila och jihadister Alepposonen Samir Nashar, som är ordförande för Damaskusdeklarationen 2004, sade upp sig från Syrian National Coalition, SNC, eftersom han känner maktlöshet i fallet Aleppo och missnöje med SNC....
Luciafirande 2016 – Assyriska föreningen Södertälje
Latest news on Aleppo
Our reporter Shamoun Zaito, a former resident of Aleppo, tells about the liberation of Eastern Aleppo from the rebels, and what we can expect next in the Syrian regemi's war against rebels and ISIS.
Abouna George Saliba teaching music at the Assyrian Summer Camp in Belgium
Summary : During the summer camp "Mashritho d leshono Suryoyo" organized by the Institut Syriaque de Belgique and the Assyrian Federation of Belgium, the Syrian Orthodox priest Abouna George Saliba participated and animated different achievements about assyrian music...
Mr. Yonadam Kanna in Sweden
Mr. Yonadam Kanna continued his tour in the EU by holding lectures in Assyrian clubs in Sweden. Before that, we got in interview with him in our studio, where he explains the purpose of his visit and informs us of the lates development in Iraq; He joined an Iraqi...
Patriarch Younan: Reconstruction is the responsibility of the West
The Syriac Catholic Patriarch, Joseph III Younan, currently visiting Germany, says the Western countries, who tried to export their democracy, have a big responsibility to reconstruct the devastated countries of the Middle East - especially the Nineveh Plains. He...