Månad: mars 2016

ADO: unilateral Kurdish federalism unacceptable

Bassam Yossef, representative of the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) Syria section, comments why the ADO refuses the initiative taken by Kurdish PYD of preparations for a federal rule in Syria. He says all other parts have refused this step as a unilateral act,...

ADO refutes Suroyo TV’s accusations

On a news report on Suroyo TV in february 27th 2016, one of the leaders of ADO Bashir Saadi was accused for profiting on the on-going crisis in Syria and selling Assyrian properties to non-assyrians in Kameshli. jag Karim Issa from ADO who is currently living in...

Consecration of a new Chaldean church in France

On March 6th, 2016 at 03:00 pm the Chaldean patriarch Louis Sako dedicated St. John the Apostle Church, the third Assyro-Chaldean church in France. The French minister of Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, attended the ceremony with Cardinal of Paris, Mgr André Vingt-Trois.

Russian withdrawal and the future of the Assyrians in Syria

Måndagen den 14 mars 2016 meddelade Ryssland att dess stridande enheter ska dra sig tillbaka från Syrien. Vad innebär det för inbördeskriget som började för fem år sedan? Vilka utsikter till fred kan det föra med sig? Var hamnar assyrierna i det nya Syrien? Dessa är...

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