Assyria TV has just been in touch with Assyrians who still live in Azakh. The person who answered the phone could barely speak, and with tears in her voice she said Turkish security forces had stormed the house and she could not talk. Why the Turkish security forces...
Tony Meshko on the visit to Syrian Assyria
As one of few Assyrian organizations from Europe, the Assyrian Federation of Sweden recently conducted a five-day visit to Qamishli, Khabour and Hassake in Syrian Assyria. The visit took place within the framework of the assistance project Khabour River Project which...
Active assistance in refugee work
Naila Bulun the chairman of the Women of the Assyrian Association in Gütersloh told in the interview about her volunteer work with the refugees. She speaks Arabic and Kurdish language very well and could thus accompanied in 2015 about 200 fugitives in their first...
Is the European Parliament’s decision on genocide just grandstanding?
The European Parliament recognized the ongoing persecutions of Assyrians and Yezidis in Iraq and Syria as genocide the 4th of February. Several organizations such as ADFA, A Demand For Action, and politicians such as Lars Adaktusson worked for recognition of the...
Assyrian Federation interviewed in Syria – West Assyrian dialect
Assyrian Federation interviewed in Syria – East Assyrian dialect
Assyriska FF – Arameiska/Syrianska
AFF spelade sin tredje träningsmatch mot Arameiska/Syrianska igår. Matchen slutade med 2-1 till Assyriska. Mål av Mattias Genc min. 26 och Ken Fagerberg min. 36. Gästernas mål gjordes av Stefan Ostojic i den 42 minuten. Intervju i paus med Daniel Sliper, Gustav Jarl...
Naum Faiq-firande – 2016
Varje år i början av februari uppmärksammar assyriska organisationer assyriernas nationalikon Naum Faiq. I år har uppgiften axlats av assyriska föreningarna i Stor-Stockholm. Första delen av firandet var kulturellt och andra delen var en politisk paneldebatt om...
Unethical journalism by Suroyo TV
In a program in SuroyoTV titled “Shabtho Kamelto” broadcasted January 19, 2016, channel head Jakob Mirza and the Social Democrat county council member in Södertälje Metin Rhawi not only spread misinformation, but also called for violence against Afram Yakoub, the...